What You'll learn

4 Character Mistakes That are KILLING Your Book Sales

• My Simple Process that Makes Readers FALL IN LOVE With Every Character You Write

• Hacks for EFFORTLESSLY Communicating Your Character's Uniqueness on the Page

The Framework I Use To Design Every Story Rolling Around in My Head to Be a Best-Seller

Hosted by USA Today Best-Selling Author Liesel Hill, who has been writing for 15+ years and does so across several genres.

📚Are your characters beautiful, complex, and vibrant in your head, but you struggle to communicate that same vibrancy on the page? 📚

🤦‍♀️Do you worry that you’re not conveying your story and characters well enough, or that the reader isn’t “getting” or “feeling” your story? 🤦‍♀️

🧠 Imagine effortlessly crafting characters that your readers automatically latch onto, root for, and can't get enough of. 🧠

👉Join the FREE WORKSHOP by filling in your information. 👉

Free workshop for fiction authors and aspiring fiction authors!!!

How to Write Characters that Jump Off the Page

Without Guessing, Wasting Time, or Banging Your Head Against the Wall

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